Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Heidi Klum Topless Sunbathing

One of the many perks of the summer is an increase in celebrity topless sunbathing pictures, we’ve already posted several and it’s only the middle of July, huzzah for summer!!! Supermodel Heidi Klum wanted to get that perfect tan all over so she showed her breasts off to the sun and the paparazzi were there to get the photos for all of us in the pervert community.

I guess she is a model and she is European, hence letting the funbags out to enjoy nature comes naturally to her and (as I’ve mentioned before) if I was a rich and powerful celebrity I’d be chilling on my yacht nude in the sunshine all day too. You can see her husband Seal in the background of the shots, remember that guy? Seal…washed up 90′s soul singer, luckiest guy in the world, laying around on the wife’s dime thinking what a good deal it is to be a kept man.

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