Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Vaginoplasty Covered By Government Healthcare?

Vaginoplasty is a term used to describe any plastic surgery procedure done on the vagina. Sometimes this is done as a reconstructive measure after congenital disease, cancer, child birth and other horrible causes that might leave a vagina damaged. Other times it is simply done as a cosmetic procedure for women who are unhappy with the appearance of their vagina, perhaps due to excessively hanging labium.

I masturbated to all the Wikipedia articles about vaginas while researching that first paragraph.

These procedures used to be covered by Australian health care, but some politician found out that getting all those Aussie vaginas remodeled was costing tax payers thousands and thousands annually. Given that the global economy is in turmoil, the decision was made to cut the procedure from the government funded Medicare system.

Weird looking vaginas never bothered me since my own penis looks like it got run over by a motorcycle. I’m in no place to judge the appearance of anyone’s genitals. I am, however, comfortable with the appearance of my unique looking dick. It gets the job done and sometimes in the summer it smells like a brand new wallet. I could talk about my dick all day, I love that thing.

Women in general are more sensitive about their appearance given all the bullshit body image issues generated by mainstream media. Having concern with the appearance of one’s vagina could be detrimental to a woman’s confidence resulting in a perfectly attractive, interesting woman turning into a cat lady because of some misplaced pieces of roast beef.

If a surgery exists that can fix that problem, then by all means measure the pros and cons and do it if you so choose. Should the government pay for it? That’s a whole different debate.

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