Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Janice Dickinson Topless Sunbathing

Not all celebrity nudity is alike. Some celeb slips are definitely better than others. Still, there’s a morbid curiosity that won’t let you look away… even when you want to. Sort of like passing by a car crash and looking for bloody mayhem even though the sight of it might give you nightmares.

Janice Dickinson was one of hot piece of ass in her youth, but these days she looks a little worse for wear. Not to say, she doesn’t take care of herself, but rather that she might take care of herself a little too much.

I got the same vibe from the Madonna pics the other day, like she works out too hard and her skin doesn’t quite fit right anymore.I feel like they both need to gain a few pounds to fill in those wrinkles.

Janice might have some rocking tits for a woman over 55, but you can see they are way too tight, since the skin around them can no longer cope. That body has definitely been treated to too much sun and way too many visits to the plastic surgeon.

Whatever, it’s still Janice Dickinson (even though, to be honest she kind of scares me a little) and it’s still a pair of nude celebrity tits. So enjoy, or not. At least, try not to have nightmares. If you’re not sure you’ll be able to manage, cleanse your eye palate with these nude pics of Rihanna.

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