Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Katy Perry Panty Upskirt With Bonus Editor Insanity

That’s it. Panties. What more do you want me to say.
Okay, I originally wrote a bunch of insane words to go with the picture to accompany the photo. See, a fellow sexual degenerate sent me the pic with no context, therefore, I created a story to go with it. As it shows some guy in uniform molesting Katy Perry I invented a story about an escaped mental patient thinking he was in Star Trek attacking the purple haired alien. But my boss told me I can’t run that as I’m not allowed to “make shit up anymore”, and “no more lawsuits, we can’t have anymore lawsuits, stop making shit up, it’s not even funny”, and “put my pants back on”, and “you’re fired”.
If you’re curious I took a few minutes to Google around and find out where the pic is from and it’s of her performing at the Maryland Naval Academy a few days back, which is pretty damn cool of her actually, and pretty damn cool she’s locking lips with this guy who’s serving his country. Good on ya Katy.

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